Dave Clairvoyant

  Brussels, Belgium – Some random people are invited inside a white tent to have their mind read by Dave, a gifted clairvoyant. They are told that its for a new TV show… Although, I am not really sure about how they managed to do this, this is a great example of guerrilla marketing that […]

Mamnou3! Lebanese Web Series

. I already evoked the major issue of media censorship in Lebanon in the video-report I did in January 2012. On Sunday, June 25th a new Lebanese web-series released its teaser, for the first season, on YouTube and reached more than a 1,500 views in the first 24 hours. “Mamnou3!” (Forbidden in Arabic), created by […]

The JR Express Censored

Here is a short video or kind of report I did as a final project for my Digital Media Literacy course at university. It tackles the issue of media censorship in Lebanon and how the web can be used to overcome it. Here is the list of some ideas covered in the report: • Arab […]

During the year 2011 a lot of middle-eastern countries witnessed huge changes on the political, economical and sociocultural level and all those changes are the result of the “Arab Spring Revolutions”. Even in Iran, citizens opposing the regime tried to start an Iranian revolution multiple times but till now the government is able to control […]

Here is a podcast I did in the scope of my Digital Media Literacy course at uni and it’s about how media is stereotyping Arabs. UPDATE: I just created a video version for this podcast check it out! Music: Istanbul by Orient Expressions. Image by M. Wuerker.

Atlantis The Lost Empire

Since the release of the first full length Disney movie in 1937, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the studio released a lot of other classical movies much appreciated not only by children but also by teens and adults. Disney, which is often associated with fun, dream and happiness in people’s mind, is not that […]

Romance Intimi Magazine Ad

I did a selection of three ads from Arab magazines: One in which you will find a man and a woman, another one in which you will see only men from different ethnicities and the last one include only women. By analyzing those ads I went over different issues of the advertising industry: The first […]

What is Your Role in the Music Business Industry?

There are lots of record labels in the music industry, but when you go through each one of them you will realize that few companies that owns most of the labels dominate this business industry. You can’t be a serious music fan and resist to this domination and you will clearly see the differences between […]

Julian Assange Time Magazine

Julian Assange has become by establishing Wikileaks, an organization that publish official documents that are kept secret or classified by governments or corporate entities. Wikileaks receive documents from sources kept anonymous, then send the leaks to journalists in different countries and publish them online too. Since the creation of this organization a lot of secret […]