Paris New York British Airways

If you’ve been to both Paris and New York, you will love this video! Artist Matel compared the two cities in a split screen video promoting British Airways’ Open Skies. The amazing comparison and the real feel you get out of each shot makes this spot a beautiful piece of art.

Nestle Fitness Bra Cam

Nestle wants to encourage women to check their breast more often to prevent breast cancer. So they placed a camera into a woman’s bra to spot sneaky eye contacts. The concept is really nice but, the execution could’ve been better.

First Snog First Kiss Parody

You have most probably watched or seen on your timeline the First Kiss video. That experience for which they get a bunch of people who don’t know each other, assign couples and ask them to kiss for the first time. For some reason this video is going viral but, I personally don’t see anything very […]

Red Bull Can You Make it

Red Bull just launched its new campaign “Can You Make It?”. It’s a real life challenge defying 100 teams of students from 27 countries around the world to make it to Berlin using Red Bull cans as their only currency. Teams can choose various starting points in Europe and have to pass by six predefined […]

HUVr Hoverboard

  UPDATE: 06/03/14 Funny Or Die admitted it was a hoax, posting the following statement on their website: “Funny Or Die recently teamed up with a group of celebrities for an elaborate prank to convince the world hoverboards were real and that a company called HUVr Tech had invented them. Sadly, we were lying. The great […]

"Brain Divided" by Josiah Haworth, Joon Shik Song and Joon Soo Song

When we talk about love we always talk about the differences between the brain and the heart, logic and emotions, but, did you ever wonder what happens in your mind when you meet your crush? Three students of the Ringling College of Art and Design are answering this question with a great CGI animated short […]

Enjoy Your Privacy - Norton

To promote its new mobile security software, Norton is presenting seven fictional characters, letting the public hack into those people’s phones and access texts, e-mails, pictures and bank statements. Leo Burnett Chicago, the agency behind this great idea, has developed a creative multi-screen experience: It all starts by going to on desktop then mobile, […]


Crimestoppers, a British crime fighting charity, try to raise awareness about pickpockets and offer tips to avoid being a victim. In their latest campaign, they prepared three kinds of leaflets leading to a website about pickpocketing. Three different designs: A tablet, a phone and a wallet. Now, they decided that instead of distributing the flyers […]

Get Naked Condom Ad

Four Seasons Condoms, recently launched its Get Naked campaign that has reportedly been banned from TV airing by the local (Australian) authorities for being “too sexy”. The TV spot basically shows a young couple purchasing condoms in a pharmacy when the sales team invite them to try the condoms before buying them. After an in-store […]

#LookUp vs #LookDown

Few weeks ago, British Airways (BA) placed a very creative interactive billboard in Piccadilly Circus, London. The #LookUp digital billboard shows a kid interacting in real-time with BA planes flying over. It will also tell you which flight it is. A great marketing move that tackles one of the actual trend in the industry: Real-time […]