Sacha Baron Cohen Apple Parody

Actor Sacha Baron Cohen released an Apple parody to promote his new movie.
Is it a good marketing strategy?

Quiqup Feature

In today’s world, you can shop from wherever you are at any time you want thanks to e-commerce platforms on the market. And even though deliveries are becoming faster, they are still not instantaneous and you rarely know exactly when your pack will be delivered. There are of course some retailers giving you the ability to set a […]

Since the start of The JR Express, I’ve always used a cartoon version of me as an avatar. It is now time to put a touch of evolution to the JR avatar!

A mix of motivation, strength and resilience. This is what I feel each and every time I watch Johnnie Walker’s 2014 #KeepWalkingLebanon campaign. What an inspiring campaign for all the Lebanese citizens! It’s the story of a flame rooted in the ground that keeps burning in the face of all the storms trying to take over the cedars land. […]

Paris New York British Airways

If you’ve been to both Paris and New York, you will love this video! Artist Matel compared the two cities in a split screen video promoting British Airways’ Open Skies. The amazing comparison and the real feel you get out of each shot makes this spot a beautiful piece of art.

Facebook Safety Check

Facebook just announced its latest product: Safety Check. When a natural disaster occur, all the users in the affected area get the chance to let their friends and family know they’re safe. You will have two options: You can either mark yourself as safe or state that you are not in the affected area. Your friends […]

Nestle Fitness Bra Cam

Nestle wants to encourage women to check their breast more often to prevent breast cancer. So they placed a camera into a woman’s bra to spot sneaky eye contacts. The concept is really nice but, the execution could’ve been better.

The JR Fourth Anniversary

It’s been four years. I started this blog on the 19th of September 2010. I know I was not as active as I was last year on the blog but I am glad to see that I was able to be super regular on the Facebook page. One post a day except very few days. This […]

The Dancing Traffic Light - Smart

Waiting for a pedestrian traffic light is all about fighting the temptation to cross while it’s still red. Smart and BBDO Germany came up with a solution to make the wait more entertaining…

iOS 8 Conference

All those discussions I had lately about the new iPhones 6 and 6 Plus made me realise that many people know nothing about Apple’s new mobile operating system coming out on September 17th.